Help! I Don't Seem to be Getting Any Emails from the Jingle Ball website!

You didn’t get a password or a magic link sent to your email.  For whatever reason the magic link isn't showing up in your email. That's okay! It's easy to fix. 

First in your email server you need to add as a safe sender or as a contact. 

ADD THESE TWO EMAIL ADDRESSES TO YOUR CONTACT LIST   (Don't worry this isn't signing you up for anything. You're not signing up for a list. This just lets your email provider know you want emails from these addresses.

We can't help you add a contact to your email, but it's usually pretty easy. If you can't figure it out google it and we're sure you can find a step by step tutorial of how to do it for your particular email provider. (There's just too many for us to know how to do each one or help you figure it out, sorry!)

After you've added those contacts to your email one of the following addresses to ask for a Magic Link to take you into the ball: 


Click Here if you want to create a password and be able to go directly into the ball without anymore email links.